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Personal Training makes you look good and feel great. My role is to provide you with the tools for you to achieve this. If you are committed and have the desire, try your best, think outside of the box and have a bit of fun you can achieve your health and fitness goals. Live life in the active lane. Little active steps taken today, lead to giant progress strides tomorrow.
"Together we'll achieve your goals"
Posted on: 24 Aug 2018 - 19:13Tags:Kettlebell training has gained massive popularity in recent years and for good reason. The kettlebell is an extremely versatile piece of training equipment, and can be used to reduce body fat and build muscle mass. Amanda Perkins who works with Kettlebell Kings as a senior writer has written and developed a fantastic and informative series focused on different kettlebell workouts. This includes teaching points on how to perform each exercise successfully and safely and links to helpful video examples. Workout InstructionsThis is the seventh workout in our “Kettlebell Workouts for Men” series. This workout consists of five exercises with one modification tacked onto the kettlebell push-ups exercise. You’ll want two very heavy kettlebells...
Posted on: 16 Aug 2018 - 18:43Tags:Why You're Not Losing Weight On Your Diet? Weight loss is always a problem for most people. The more you try the harder it becomes, even with reputable weight loss programs and exercise. However, that does not mean that you give up, as there might be some other reasons slowing you down apart from your diet. You can check out more information here, but for now, let us see some of the other reasons why you are not losing weight on your diet. 1. You Lack Enough Sleep Sleep, as mundane as it seems is very important in one’s life. The more you sleep, the better your health. Moreover, research has found out that the less you sleep the more likely you will gain weight. Besides, losing sleep also makes you hungry even if you are not. Likewise,...
Posted on: 15 Aug 2018 - 14:56This informative, concise and visual infographic provides lots of detail on nutritional guides and what we should be looking for when reading them. This includes servings, calories, fats and nutrients. This was created by Westfalia Technology
Posted on: 13 Aug 2018 - 15:52Tags:Kettlebell training has gained massive popularity in recent years and for good reason. The kettlebell is an extremely versatile piece of training equipment, and can be used to reduce body fat and build muscle mass. Amanda Perkins who works with Kettlebell Kings as a senior writer has written and developed a fantastic and informative series focused on different kettlebell workouts. This includes teaching points on how to perform each exercise successfully and safely and links to helpful video examples. This is the 6th part in Kettlebell Workout For Men Series. This workout is divided into two blocks. The first block is a warm up designed to prevent injury and prepare your muscles for the upcoming workout. The second block is comprised of...
Posted on: 7 Aug 2018 - 09:09Tags:Kettlebell training has gained massive popularity in recent years and for good reason. The kettlebell is an extremely versatile piece of training equipment, and can be used to reduce body fat and build muscle mass. Amanda Perkins who works with Kettlebell Kings as a senior writer has written and developed a fantastic and informative series focused on different kettlebell workouts. This includes teaching points on how to perform each exercise successfully and safely and links to helpful video examples. This is the 5th workout of 10 in our Kettlebell Workouts for Men series. The workout is divided into two blocks, with each block containing four large compound exercises. The workout is designed to increase full body strength and size. ...
Posted on: 3 Aug 2018 - 16:01Tags:I was delighted to be asked by Tom Wills of Taw Consulting to contribute to the following article from Focus Performance on the best tips and advice on how to stay motivated in the gym and whilst exercising. You can view and read the full article by following the link: Put A Motivating Picture On On Your Workout Phone / Music Player! Nearly everyone brings their phone or MP3 player to the gym when working out to keep track of the time and listen to music. If you find yourself losing motivation and feeling like quitting early, then make sure you have a motivating photo on your phone to keep you going during sets and cardio work. The benefits of working out are...
Posted on: 1 Aug 2018 - 18:34Tags:Kettlebell training has gained massive popularity in recent years and for good reason. The kettlebell is an extremely versatile piece of training equipment, and can be used to reduce body fat and build muscle mass. Amanda Perkins who works with Kettlebell Kings as a senior writer has written and developed a fantastic and informative series focused on different kettlebell workouts. This includes teaching points on how to perform each exercise successfully and safely and links to helpful video examples. This is the 4th workout of 10 in our Kettlebell Workouts for Men series. This workout features supersets with 15 reps per exercise and short rest periods between sets. The workout is designed to challenge your endurance while building...
Posted on: 1 Aug 2018 - 15:57This informative, concise and visual infographic gives us numerous tips and strategies on how women can help to ensure a more healthier pregnancy. The advice includes lowering stress levels, eating correctly and being active. This was created by Botti Chiropractic & Wellness
Posted on: 1 Aug 2018 - 15:00This informative, concise and visual infographic gives us numerous tips and strategies on how we can clean our bathrooms in a natural and healthy way. How to Clean Your Bathroom…Naturally by Modern Bathroom.
Posted on: 1 Aug 2018 - 07:47This informative, concise and visual infographic gives us numerous tips and strategies on how we can keep our teeth healthy and in particular how to tell if you are grinding your teeth. The infographic discusses why you may be grinding your teeth, the effects of grinding teeth and how to prevent it to help maintain healthy teeth. Teeth Grinding Guide created by Schererville & Chesterton Family Dentistry.
"I would strongly recommend Matt to anyone that is serious about leading a healthier life. Exercising with Matt come rain or shine is always good fun and some great ‘me’ time!”"
Personal Training Blog & Resources
On: 1 Nov 2016 - 16:05
On: 17 Jan 2021 - 05:53
On: 15 Jan 2020 - 16:09
On: 15 Jan 2020 - 15:42
On: 19 Jul 2019 - 19:20
Health & fitness tips
Build exercise into your commute to and/or from work. Run, Cycle, Walk all or some of the journey. Get off the bus a stop early, park further from work, keep change of fresh clothes at work etc. Great for body and mind and saves money too.