
How to Stay Motivated at the Gym

I was delighted to be asked by Tom Wills of Taw Consulting to contribute to the following article from Focus Performance on the best tips and advice on how to stay motivated in the gym and whilst exercising. You can view and read the full article by following the link:

Qualities needed to Achieve our Goals

From my experience training and working with clients, I have observed and analysed what I feel are the personal characteristics that will go some way to helping you achieve your goals. These ‘characteristics’ are not a list of what you should possess, but are merely the traits that my most successful clients (and by this I mean those that have achieved their individual goals) have. They are the attributes that I have seen displayed consistently and on a regular basis by my clients.

Get Fitter, Make Friends, Increase your Confidence & Feel Better

If your days drag on with no meaning, you feel lethargic or you struggle to keep up with the kids in the park, or that super fit friend you crazily agreed to go for a run with, maybe it’s time to reconsider your fitness regime. Put down the TV remote, get off the sofa, put that upbeat playlist on your ipod and start working out!

Keeping Track: Fitness Apps

I was recently approached by Susie Francis, a content writer and a fitness fanatic, who asked whether she could write some exercise and fitness related articles for my blogs, which I was pleased to receive. I am therefore happy to upload the second of her articles – titled “keeping Track – Fitness apps”. It is well worth the read. Enjoy. please see Susie's first article 'Does Group Exercise Help?'.

Does Group Exercise Help?

I was recently approached by Susie Francis, a content writer for Focus Training, who are a leading UK training provider that offer a variety of courses to help get a career in the fitness industry. Susie is a fitness fanatic and asked whether she could write some exercise and fitness related articles for my blogs, which I was pleased to receive. I am therefore pleased to upload the first of her articles – titled “Does Group Exercise Help”. It is well worth the read. Enjoy.

Success Traits: Positive Thinker, Believer and Confident

From my experience training and working with clients, I have observed and analysed what I feel are the personal characteristics that will go some way to helping you achieve your goals. These ‘characteristics’ are not a list of what you should possess, but are merely the traits that my most successful clients (and by this I mean those that have achieved their individual goals) have. They are the attributes that I have seen displayed consistently and on a regular basis by my clients.

"He worked with me to improve my fitness, confidence and self esteem. Matt provided constant support and encouragement whenever I needed it and always offered new and exciting ways to exercise"
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