Keeping Track: Fitness Apps

I was recently approached by Susie Francis, a content writer and a fitness fanatic, who asked whether she could write some exercise and fitness related articles for my blogs, which I was pleased to receive. I am therefore happy to upload the second of her articles – titled “keeping Track – Fitness apps”. It is well worth the read. Enjoy. please see Susie's first article 'Does Group Exercise Help?'.

If you started the year off with good intentions but are finding your exercise routine is flagging, it might be time to invest in a fitness app to help keep you motivated and on track to meet your goals. Fitness apps have grown in popularity in recent years as people use them for everything from keeping track of their exercise progress, giving them fitness tips and informing friends and family how far they can walk/run! While there’s a whole host of Fitness Apps available for both iPhone and Android phones, here’s a selection of some of the 'best'!

SmartRunner - Running apps are incredibly popular, especially with runners training for marathons as they allow you to see your improvements clearly and easily. While SmartRunner isn’t the leader of running apps, it’s certainly a good one for beginners or casual users. After a run you can upload your stats to the SmartRunner website and then relay them to Facebook and Twitter. It doesn’t just monitor running however, you can also measure your fitness for 14 other sports including cycling and skiing. 

MapMyRide - Billed as the number one cycling app, MapMyRide is a dedicated app for cycling enthusiasts which utilizes your phone’s GPS to track your activities. Users can access information on the duration of their route as well as the pace, speed, elevation and calories burned. Like other apps, this information can then be uploaded to the MapMyRide website so you can view your fitness history. As well as helping you to improve your fitness, the information is also ideal for those evaluating an upgrade for their bike. Alongside a trained cycling specialist at a bike shop you’ll be able to assess which bike is suitable for your skill set and fitness level. Available for iPhone, Android and Blackberry.

Nike Fitness club - Frequently making the “best of” lists for fitness apps, Nike designed their Fitness club app with over 100 workouts pre-planned. Exercise sessions of varying duration mean you can tailor your work out to suit your situation, choosing from 15, 30 and 45 minute sessions. One of the best things about the app is that it offers rewards and bonuses to subscribers who achieve their goal or better themselves, meaning that there’s extra motivation to keep training! Available for iPhone and Android.

GAIN Fitness Cross Trainer - Like a little personal trainer in your pocket, GAIN creates a personalised workout program based on their network of personal athletes and trainers. Because GAIN partners you with your own trainer, you’ll also receive unique audio guides depending on your chosen fitness regime and ability level. Not just for gym junkies, GAIN features trainers from a whole host of disciplines including yoga and sports such as basketball. Currently only available for iPhone.

Gym Pact - If you’re seriously lacking motivation at the gym, then maybe you need to put your money where your mouth is! Gym Pact encourages you to commit to an exercise routine and then motivates you to keep going by providing monetary rewards every time you reach your goal. Ideal for those who find themselves repeatedly skipping the gym (and looking for a bit of extra cash at the end of the month!) Available for both iPhone and Android you can also sync Gym Pact with another app, RunKeeper.

The above are just a small selection of some of the most valuable fitness and exercise Apps. There are many more available. Find an App that you feel comfortable with, useful and crucially keeps you motivated and progressing with your workouts.Now there’s no excuse to let yourself get away with missing that gym session or run around the block. Keep motivated, improve your health and fitness and even potentially earn some cash with easy to use exercise apps! Always exercise within your limits and if you have any issues seek medical advice. Happy exercising! 

I would like to place on record my thanks to Susie for providing a detailed, concise and thought provoking article. You can follow Susie on Twitter.

Live life in the active lane,


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