Guest Blog

Low Carb Eating in Leeds

I was recently approached by Henri Pearson with an interesting and beneficial healthy eating guide from Predator Nutrition ( for when eating out in Leeds. Predator Nutrition have recently put together a comprehensive health and fitness based low carb guide to eating out in Leeds, which therefore may be helpful for when you next go to Leeds for a meal.

Personal Trainers - Think You Could Cut It?

"The following infographic outlines the current position of the personal training sub-sector of the health and fitness industry. The graphic presents the range of opportunities available for skilled and qualified personal trainers operating in the UK. The statistics presented have been obtained from a variety of credible and independent sources which are each referenced at the foot of the infographic itself". This infographic has been compiled by Health & Fitness Education (HFE).

Get Fitter, Make Friends, Increase your Confidence & Feel Better

If your days drag on with no meaning, you feel lethargic or you struggle to keep up with the kids in the park, or that super fit friend you crazily agreed to go for a run with, maybe it’s time to reconsider your fitness regime. Put down the TV remote, get off the sofa, put that upbeat playlist on your ipod and start working out!

Keeping Track: Fitness Apps

I was recently approached by Susie Francis, a content writer and a fitness fanatic, who asked whether she could write some exercise and fitness related articles for my blogs, which I was pleased to receive. I am therefore happy to upload the second of her articles – titled “keeping Track – Fitness apps”. It is well worth the read. Enjoy. please see Susie's first article 'Does Group Exercise Help?'.

Does Group Exercise Help?

I was recently approached by Susie Francis, a content writer for Focus Training, who are a leading UK training provider that offer a variety of courses to help get a career in the fitness industry. Susie is a fitness fanatic and asked whether she could write some exercise and fitness related articles for my blogs, which I was pleased to receive. I am therefore pleased to upload the first of her articles – titled “Does Group Exercise Help”. It is well worth the read. Enjoy.

Water, Water and more Water

The following is a guest blog from David Mendel who runs a Health and Fitness website from New York, USA called Fitness Hook.

As we all have heard, it’s very import to drink lots of water and it is important to know what drinking the proper amount of water does for the body:

"I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking a tailored, passionate and "human" personal trainer with guaranteed results!"
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