
  • Posted on: 27 Feb 2019 - 13:04
    There is a lot of misinformation revolving around the ketogenic diet. Many people do not know how to get into ketosis. People also claim that you need to eat a lot of carbs to gain muscles and that the keto diet affects performance. With all this misinformation about the diet, one might get discouraged easily and think that you cannot get the health benefits of keto without having to lose muscle mass. However, if you understand well what your body needs and the food to take to replace the limited crabs it is possible to get the health benefits of the diet. Below are expert tips to help you...
  • Posted on: 21 Jun 2018 - 11:44
    This informative, concise and visual infographic gives us numerous tips and advice on the importance and benefits of sleep. This was created by Virginia Spine Institute
  • Posted on: 15 Apr 2017 - 15:52
    Informative article and infographic from Ghergich & co who have teamed up with Quill to create an article and illustrated workout on balancing exercise with a full-time job. It cover tips on how to stick to a routine, how regular activity benefits the workplace, and when to work out. While it can sometimes feels impossible to squeeze in a workout before or after a long day at the office, regular exercise can translate to more productive time at work and is great for us physically and mentally. Research shows exercise can reduce sickness, lower stress, and boost brainpower. Thanks to Kara...
  • Posted on: 10 Apr 2017 - 17:17
    As a Personal Trainer and Fitness enthusiast I am always delighted to share relevant, informative and beneficial health and fitness information and articles. This great article on Yoga and how it can help footballers (and thus any athlete, sportsperson and individual) to stay injury free has been provided by Joseph Knowles.   The Importance of Yoga in Helping Footballers Stay Injury Free It is fair to say that yoga is not popular among many footballers. It has the reputation of being a lesser exercise compared to cardio or lifting weights and has several negative stereotypes attached to it....
  • Posted on: 16 Jun 2013 - 16:15
    What are your exercise plans and goals this coming week? What do you want to achieve this week with your exercise and workouts? Have you planned your training days and prepared your meals? Another week of opportunity is here. Opportunity to achieve a Personal Best, to try a new sport, to give a new exercise a go etc. Grasp it and seize every opportunity. Don't stand still. Look to continually improve and raise your fitness targets. Start the week off in active style and enjoy. Set the standard. Train with a smile and be excited and look forward to your workouts. Be proactive and aim to plan...
  • Posted on: 7 May 2013 - 20:55
    The following article on 'Exercise Can Prolong Life' was written for Matt Swaz Fitness by Elise Kramer. Thank you to Elise and to Fitness Watch MD. Exercise Can Prolong Life, Studies Say A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine indicates that adults who get 150 minutes or more of physical activity weekly are likely to live several years longer through weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight than those who don't. The study indicated that men, who at age 20 engaged in moderate activity were likely to gain as much as 2.4 years of life as a result, and women of the...
  • Posted on: 7 May 2013 - 20:47
    The following article on 'High Diabetes Risk' was written for Matt Swaz Fitness by Elise Kramer. One in five people is at risk of developing type II diabetes, a condition in which the body doesn't produce an adequate amount of the hormone insulin. This is a chronic condition that can cause hundreds of serious complications for patients, some of them life-threatening. Although diabetes can be difficult to treat or cure after it develops, there are steps patients can take that could prevent development of the condition. One of these steps involves following a special diet to control blood sugar...
  • Posted on: 28 Apr 2013 - 20:13
                  This video aims to provide you with some tips, advice and examples on ways to exercise and live an active lifestyle with little equipment, time & space. This video focuses on Press Ups and provides some teaching points and ideas/strategies on how to do the exercise safely and effectively. Please remember to speak to your GP before starting any exercise programme. Please see 'Give it a Go: Press Ups' for how to perform Press Ups. Should you require any help, advice or information please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be delighted to discuss with you the tried and...
  • Posted on: 26 Apr 2013 - 20:36
    This video aims to provide you with some tips, advice and examples on ways to exercise and live an active lifestyle with little equipment, time & space. This video focuses on Tricep dips and provides some teaching points and ideas/strategies on how to do the exercise safely and effectively. Please remember to speak to your GP before starting any exercise programme. Please see 'Give it a Go: Tricep Dips' for how to perform Tricep dips. Should you require any help, advice or information please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be delighted to discuss with you the tried and tested...
  • Posted on: 23 Apr 2013 - 16:35
    This video aims to provide you with some tips, advice and examples on ways to exercise and live an active lifestyle with little equipment, time & space. This video focuses on Step Ups and provides some teaching points and ideas/strategies on how to do the exercise safely and effectively. Please remember to speak to your GP before starting any exercise programme. Please see 'Give it a Go: Step Ups for how to perform Step Ups. Should you require any help, advice or information please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be delighted to discuss with you the tried and tested methods and...


"Matt's enthusiasm, knowledge and commitment has helped me to get to where I am today. He keeps in regular touch during the week and is always there to answer any questions or to give you that extra motivational push on days when you might need it. "