High Diabetes Risk

The following article on 'High Diabetes Risk' was written for Matt Swaz Fitness by Elise Kramer.

One in five people is at risk of developing type II diabetes, a condition in which the body doesn't produce an adequate amount of the hormone insulin. This is a chronic condition that can cause hundreds of serious complications for patients, some of them life-threatening. Although diabetes can be difficult to treat or cure after it develops, there are steps patients can take that could prevent development of the condition. One of these steps involves following a special diet to control blood sugar levels; this plan has also been recommended by physicians as a pre diabetic diet plan for individuals who may be at a risk of developing diabetes.

Because diabetes can have such deadly complications, it should not be ignored--patients who receive treatment more quickly are likely to have a better outcome and lead longer and better lives. About 25% of people who have diabetes don't even know they have it, according to statistics released by the American Diabetes Association, so it is imperative to be in tune with possible symptoms and particular risks that you may be subject to.

Diabetes takes its toll on patients

Diabetes can have a serious impact on the nerves, kidneys, eyes, and heart, and can cause a number of problems associated with those systems. Recent research is hypothesizing that the disease can also effect the brain and might be linked to serious neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline. Diabetes leaves lasting damage, and patients who are at risk should do their best to minimize this risk.

Most people are aware of some of the major risk factors that can contribute to diabetes--including being overweight, having high cholesterol, being inactive, or having high blood pressure. Unfortunately, many people are not about to change their lifestyle--a survey conducted by the American Diabetes Association looked at more than 2,500 adults, many of whom admitted that they maintain poor eating and exercise habits and do not go to the doctor frequently.

Many people who have pre diabetes, which is a condition that develops before a patient has full-blown diabetes, but has abnormally high blood sugar, can drastically cut their risk of developing full type II diabetes if they adapt a healthier diet, shed weight, and increase the amount of physical activity they do to at least 150 minutes per week, even if it is just a brisk walk.

Many patients with type II diabetes are not aware that they suffer from the condition immediately, and sometimes go undiagnosed for years. Complications usually take somewhere between five and ten years to develop, however some patients may experience these before they are even diagnosed.

Patients who have risk factors for diabetes should see their doctor in order to get screened. Their doctor could recommend lifestyle changes that could prevent the development of the disease and its complications. Thank you to Elise Kramer and to Live Healthy MD.

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