Get Fitter, Make Friends, Increase your Confidence & Feel Better

If your days drag on with no meaning, you feel lethargic or you struggle to keep up with the kids in the park, or that super fit friend you crazily agreed to go for a run with, maybe it’s time to reconsider your fitness regime. Put down the TV remote, get off the sofa, put that upbeat playlist on your ipod and start working out!

Keeping Track: Fitness Apps

I was recently approached by Susie Francis, a content writer and a fitness fanatic, who asked whether she could write some exercise and fitness related articles for my blogs, which I was pleased to receive. I am therefore happy to upload the second of her articles – titled “keeping Track – Fitness apps”. It is well worth the read. Enjoy. please see Susie's first article 'Does Group Exercise Help?'.

Personal Trainer Statistics

The following link is an interesting and thought provoking infographic from Insure 4 Sport that presents a wide range of data from the UK and the US on being a Personal Trainer. The infographic looks at a wide variety of Fitness and Personal Training statistics including job satisfaction, most common gym injuries and income levels. It's an interesting read and highlights what makes being a personal trainer such a fun, satisfying and rewarding job.

Does Group Exercise Help?

I was recently approached by Susie Francis, a content writer for Focus Training, who are a leading UK training provider that offer a variety of courses to help get a career in the fitness industry. Susie is a fitness fanatic and asked whether she could write some exercise and fitness related articles for my blogs, which I was pleased to receive. I am therefore pleased to upload the first of her articles – titled “Does Group Exercise Help”. It is well worth the read. Enjoy.

Live Life Actively

There are many ways that you, no matter how busy you are, can build physical activity into your lives. Being physically active is easier than you think, especially if you make activity part of your daily routine and lifestyle. Too often people use "I do not have enough time to exercise" or "I am too busy to exercise" as a reason (or shall we say an excuse) for not being able to exercise and workout.

Athlete Interview


The following is an interview with world class athlete Goldie Sayers, who is a British Javelin thrower. Goldie is a double Olympian - 2004 and 2008 – and has competed at the Commonwealth Games and World Championships.


1.What has been the best piece of advice you have received?

Success is a decision not a gift.


2. How important is nutrition to your success and performance?

Smooth Operator

Smoothies are one of the easiest ways to your five a day but long gone are the days of the standard fruit mix. You can now get vegetable varieties, yoghurt mixes and even added protein products. There are hundreds of recipes out there to suit your needs and what better way to beat those seasonal blues and prevent those pesky colds by starting your day with a super smoothie? Take a look at our favourite recipes below and try adding some extra supplements to give you that extra boost over the winter months.

What's the best way to commute?

As a personal trainer and keen cyclist I am constantly encouraging people to get fit and active whilst making a journey they usually make most days Monday to Friday. Cycling to and from work is not only a great way to get your exercise done but it also helps you to save money, is good for the environment and helps to to feel energised for the day ahead and unwind after work. The following is a diagram that compares 3 common modes of transport to work: cycling, car or public transport.

Personal Training

Bikini season may be drawing to a close, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to give up and dive into the crisps and chocolate. Winter or summer, maintaining a healthy fitness level year round allows you to avoid the spring binge diet rush and feel all the benefits of an active lifestyle. But sometimes it’s hard: as days draw shorter the settee becomes comfier and when it’s cold and rainy it’s so much easier to stay near the radiator.

"I would recommend Matt’s services to anyone seeking a personal trainer. A friendly and quality service is provided which is proven to get positive results."
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