Personal Trainer Statistics

The following link is an interesting and thought provoking infographic from Insure 4 Sport that presents a wide range of data from the UK and the US on being a Personal Trainer. The infographic looks at a wide variety of Fitness and Personal Training statistics including job satisfaction, most common gym injuries and income levels. It's an interesting read and highlights what makes being a personal trainer such a fun, satisfying and rewarding job. For me it's the perfect job - getting paid for helping people to change their lives and for doing something that is my hobby and passion - exercising.

insure4sport personal trainer infographic 
Infographic authored by insure4sport. To check out the original post, go to the insure4sport blog.

Does the infographic inspire you to become a Personal Trainer yourself? I look forward to hearing your comments.

Keep up the great work,



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"Matt's enthusiasm, knowledge and commitment has helped me to get to where I am today. He keeps in regular touch during the week and is always there to answer any questions or to give you that extra motivational push on days when you might need it. "