
Get Fit Infographic

This informative, eye-catching and concise Infographic from Monster Supplement - - summarises an e-book they have released. The folks at Monster Supplements contacted me regarding their KickStart 2015 ebook.

The book is a great reference for people who want to get fit but are not sure where to start; including a really useful FAQ section and another handy 'Top Tips' chapter and some delicious recipes.

Personal Trainers - Think You Could Cut It?

"The following infographic outlines the current position of the personal training sub-sector of the health and fitness industry. The graphic presents the range of opportunities available for skilled and qualified personal trainers operating in the UK. The statistics presented have been obtained from a variety of credible and independent sources which are each referenced at the foot of the infographic itself". This infographic has been compiled by Health & Fitness Education (HFE).

Personal Trainer Statistics

The following link is an interesting and thought provoking infographic from Insure 4 Sport that presents a wide range of data from the UK and the US on being a Personal Trainer. The infographic looks at a wide variety of Fitness and Personal Training statistics including job satisfaction, most common gym injuries and income levels. It's an interesting read and highlights what makes being a personal trainer such a fun, satisfying and rewarding job.

What's the best way to commute?

As a personal trainer and keen cyclist I am constantly encouraging people to get fit and active whilst making a journey they usually make most days Monday to Friday. Cycling to and from work is not only a great way to get your exercise done but it also helps you to save money, is good for the environment and helps to to feel energised for the day ahead and unwind after work. The following is a diagram that compares 3 common modes of transport to work: cycling, car or public transport.

"Matt's enthusiasm, knowledge and commitment has helped me to get to where I am today. He keeps in regular touch during the week and is always there to answer any questions or to give you that extra motivational push on days when you might need it. "
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