Personal Training

Bikini season may be drawing to a close, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to give up and dive into the crisps and chocolate. Winter or summer, maintaining a healthy fitness level year round allows you to avoid the spring binge diet rush and feel all the benefits of an active lifestyle. But sometimes it’s hard: as days draw shorter the settee becomes comfier and when it’s cold and rainy it’s so much easier to stay near the radiator. The simple answer to lack of motivation (or the come-and-go motivation many of us experience) is to set up a fitness plan with a personal trainer.

Personal trainers are not just for movie stars anymore and many gyms have several on staff for one-on-one time with clients. By setting up a plan with a personal trainer you’re hiring a body expert who can help you sap athletic apathy and tailor a system to your personal goals.

The benefits of having a personal trainer are definitely worth the money and you’ll notice a big difference in your workouts. When setting up your plan they can tailor it to your specific goals, like weight loss or muscle building, and to your needs, especially helpful if you have a pre-existing injury. And there’s an awful lot to be said for having someone there, waiting on you to arrive at the gym (so you can’t just skip it whenever you feel like it), encouraging you and pushing you to reach your goals. After ten weeks you may find that you have the drive to continue and work hard, even without the trainer there guiding you.

For those just starting out on weight training equipment, a personal trainer is an essential teacher, to show you how to use the machines properly and get to know your limits while pushing yourself. Some of these machines, while doing wonders for building muscle, can be quite dangerous if used incorrectly and can cause lasting tissue damage. When you’re in pretty good shape, familiar with the gym but trying to break through your physical ‘glass ceiling’, a personal trainer can give you the edge to exceed your current limits.

Hiring a personal trainer is about hiring a person knowledgeable about fitness and the body. Going through your gym is a great way to select one, but if you’re not part of a gym or would prefer someone to work with you from your home make sure go through a professional group of certified trainers, such as the National Register of Personal Trainers. It is also important to make sure they are insured before starting your new workout regime and that they have the correct qualifcations from a training provider like The Training Room.

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"So what happened with regards to my goal since training with Matt? Well I am now much fitter and I have dropped a dress size. Result."