Success Traits: Positive Thinker, Believer and Confident

From my experience training and working with clients, I have observed and analysed what I feel are the personal characteristics that will go some way to helping you achieve your goals. These ‘characteristics’ are not a list of what you should possess, but are merely the traits that my most successful clients (and by this I mean those that have achieved their individual goals) have. They are the attributes that I have seen displayed consistently and on a regular basis by my clients.

Achieving your health and fitness goals is not just about training regularly and eating healthy (which is vital); you also have to show certain skills and qualities that will keep you on your journey. At times the going will be tough and it will be a challenge, for instance you have had a tiring day at work and are unsure whether to go running, or your work colleagues are tempting you with a box of cookies. By all means treat and reward yourself, but it is crucial that you possess certain qualities in order to achieve your long term goals and to be successful. The first quality is:


Positive Thinker, Believer and Confident

“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will” Zig Ziglar.

I stress to my clients the importance and value of positive thinking. It is crucial to believe in yourself and to know that what you are doing is making a difference. If you do not believe that you can achieve your health and fitness goals then why should anybody else e.g. family, friends, colleagues, believe in you. Every morning have the confidence that today you are going to achieve your goals and do not let negative thoughts (and negative people) let you believe that your goals cannot be achieved. If anybody negative knocks at your door, answer it with confidence and positivity. Small, positive steps lead to giant, inspiring strides.

My most successful clients believe in themselves and are confident that they will achieve their health and fitness goals.

Tip: Surround yourself with positive people, for instance your training partner, and tell yourself that you will achieve your goals. Positivity is infectious.

Please keep on checking my future blogs where I will be discussing other charactertics and traits that I believe from exeperience help people to achieve their health and fitness goals.

I would be delighted to discuss with you the tried and tested methods and lifestyle changes that I have developed to help people achieve their health and fitness goals.

Keep up the great work,

Live life actively,


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"He worked with me to improve my fitness, confidence and self esteem. Matt provided constant support and encouragement whenever I needed it and always offered new and exciting ways to exercise"