Kettlebell Workouts for Men Series - Part 6

Kettlebell training has gained massive popularity in recent years and for good reason. The kettlebell is an extremely versatile piece of training equipment, and can be used to reduce body fat and build muscle mass. Amanda Perkins who works with Kettlebell Kings as a senior writer has written and developed a fantastic and informative series focused on different kettlebell workouts. This includes teaching points on how to perform each exercise successfully and safely and links to helpful video examples.

This is the 6th part in Kettlebell Workout For Men Series. This workout is divided into two blocks. The first block is a warm up designed to prevent injury and prepare your muscles for the upcoming workout. The second block is comprised of kettlebell exercises to strengthen your legs.

Workout Instructions

This workout requires a medium-weight kettlebell. Choose a weight that is challenging, but not so heavy that you will risk straining a muscle. The warm up movements in the first block will be timed: one to two minutes per set unless otherwise stated. The warm ups should be easy to complete, and will get your blood flowing and heart rate up. For each of the five sets in the second block of movements, you will do eight reps. Unilateral exercises will require eight reps on each side.

BLOCK 1 - Warm Up

A. Hip Rockers: 60 seconds

Primary Areas Worked: Hip Flexors, Shoulders, Core, Hamstrings, Calves, Ankles

• Start in the quadruped position on your hands and knees; hands underneath the shoulders and knees underneath the hips (feel free to use a mat underneath the hands and knees).

• Rock your whole body back; go back as far as you can while keeping your back flat (don’t let the lower back round).

• Come back to the starting position.

B. Bear Crawl: 60 seconds

Primary Muscles: Core, Quads, Shoulders

• Start in a quadruped position on your hands and knees.

• Step your right hand in front of you, then step the left leg forward.

• Step your left hand in front of you, then step the right leg forward.

• Crawl in this pattern with the opposite leg trailing the lead hand.

C. Hip Swings: 30-60 seconds each leg

Primary Areas Worked: Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Glutes

• Find a tall object that you can face and hold onto while you balance on one foot.

• Swing the free leg out and away from the body, keeping the muscles loose.

• Allow the leg to drop and then swing across the body, pointing the toes up.

D. Jumping Jacks: 60 seconds

Primary Areas Worked: Full Body

• Stand upright with your hands at your sides.

• Jump the legs up and out as the arms lift over the shoulders.

• Jump the legs back in, bringing the arms to your sides.



A. Kettlebell Swing: 5 sets of 8 reps

Primary Areas Worked: Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Lats, Erectors

• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a kettlebell on the floor about two feet in front of your feet.

• Hinge at the hips and grab the kettlebell handle with both hands. Engage your upper back and lats by pulling the shoulders down and away from your ears.

• Pull the kettlebell between your legs into the backswing, then push the bell back up by fully extending the hips and contracting the glutes and core, allowing the kettlebell to float up to chest level. The elbows should bend slightly at the top position; be sure the shoulders do not hunch up toward the ears.

• Guide the kettlebell back down along the same path, flexing at the hips once your arms hit your waistband.

B. Goblet Squat

Primary Muscles: Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders

• Stand with feet about hip width apart. Bring the kettlebell into the goblet position, grabbing hold of the handle on other side.

• Squat down while keeping the chest up and weight in the heels. An easy way to determine proper depth is to bring the elbows to the inside of the knees. The spine should stay neutral.

• Drive into the ground as to come back up to standing position, contracting the glutes and fully extending the hips.

C. Single Arm Deadlift

Primary Areas Worked: Hamstrings, Glutes, Upper & Lower Back, Forearms

• Stand with feet about hip width apart and a kettlebell between your feet.

• Hinge at the hips and grab the kettlebell handle with one hand. Engage your upper back and lats by pulling the shoulders down and away from your ears.

• Rise to an upright position, fully extending the hips by contracting the glutes.

• Reverse the motion to tap the kettlebell back down to the ground, keeping the spine neutral in the hinge position.

D. Figure 8 Lunge

Primary Areas Worked: Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads  

• Start in a standing position with a kettlebell in your right hand.

• Step back into a lunge with your right leg, simuntaneously threading the kettlebell underneath your left leg and grabbing it with your left hand, then returning back to the starting position.  

• Step back into a lunge with your left leg, simultaneously threading the kettlebell underneath your right leg and grabbing with your right hand, then returning back to the starting position.

Remember that proper form is more important than the amount of weight you use. Using full range of motion and stabilizing in each position with a light weight will give you bigger benefits than partial ranges of motion and unsafe lifting with a heavy weight. Regular kettlebell lifting will improve strength, endurance, and can also accelerate weight loss.

About Kettlebell Kings

Kettlebell Kings is a premium-quality kettlebell and kettlebell content provider, based in Austin, Texas. You can view our equipment, kettlebell how-to’s, and get expert advice at and

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" Every week he is a joy to workout with & continues to challenge me. He always knows when I can push a little harder, climb a little further, run a little longer but his real talent is to make you believe you can do it!"