
2 Minute Exercise Challenge Video - Legs Cycling and V Sits with Twists

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Today's 2 minute exercise challenge using a water bottle:

- 1 minute of lying on the floor and cycling legs whilst passing the water bottle in and out of legs

Followed by

- 1 minute of sitting in a V shape and twisting by tapping the floor on either side with the water bottle

Great whole body workout. Only takes 2 minutes, does not need much room and no equipment. Remember to stretch too.

High 5,


2 Minute Exercise Challenge Video - Mountain Climbers and Front Feet Dances

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Today's 2 minute exercise challenge using a curb:

- 1 minute of driving legs forward/backward with hands on curb (mountain climbers)

Followed by

- 1 minute of holding the curb whilst dancing alternative legs out in front

Great whole body workout. Only takes 2 minutes, does not need much room and no equipment. Remember to stretch too.

High 5,


Christmas Gift Voucher

This time of the year I am frequently approached by people with regard to buying training sessions as a Christmas Present via a voucher for friends, family, colleagues etc. I am always delighted to cater a training package as a Christmas Present to each person’s individual needs and requirements.

Therefore, if you would like to buy some training sessions for someone else (or yourself!!) then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

It’s always great to welcome new people into Team Matt Swaz Fitness.

High 5,


2 Minute Exercise Challenge Video - Forward/Back Feet Jumps with Punches & Squat Hold with Claps

Please keep liking, sharing, commenting.

Today's 2 minute exercise challenge:

- 1 minute of fast forward/backward jump feet with 4 punches

Followed by

- 1 minute of holding a squat & clapping hands behind/in front of body.

Great whole body workout. Only takes 2 minutes, does not need much room and no equipment. Remember to stretch too.

High 5,


2 Minute Exercise Challenge Video -Side-to-side runs and Spot jumps

Please keep liking, sharing & commenting to spread the exercise inspiration.

Today's 2 minute exercise challenge:

- 1 minute of fast spot sprints whilst moving side-to-side (4 count)

Followed by

- 1 minute of repeatedly jumping forward-back-right-left

Great whole body and cardio workout. Only takes 2 minutes, does not need much room and no equipment.

High 5,


2 Minute Exercise Challenge Video - Hopping with Claps and Shadow Boxing

Please keep liking, sharing & commenting to spread the exercise inspiration.

Today's 2 minute exercise challenge:

- 1 minute of hopping on the spot (30 seconds each leg) whilst clapping hands in front.

Followed by

- 1 minute of punching with a upper cut and hook combination (30 seconds each side)

Great whole body and cardio workout. Only takes 2 minutes, does not need much room and no equipment.

High 5,


2 Minute Exercise Challenge Video - Jogging Swim Stroke and Arm Swings

Today's 2 minute exercise challenge:

- 1 minute of jogging on the spot and doing a 'swimming' stroke with our arms.

Followed by

- 1 minute of swinging our arms in a circle in front of our body (30 seconds each way).

Great whole body and cardio workout. Only takes 2 minutes, does not need much room and no equipment.

Please keep liking & sharing to help spread the exercise inspiration & encourage others to do the videos.

High 5,


2 Minute Exercise Challenge Video - Bench Taps and Shoulder Taps

Today's 2 minute exercise challenge using a bench (could use a chair, step etc):

- 1 minute of tapping the bench in the press up position with alternative hands,

Followed by

- 1 minute of alternative shoulder taps whilst holding ourselves off the bench.

Great whole body and cardio workout. Only takes 2 minutes, does not need much room and no equipment.

Please keep liking & sharing to help spread the exercise inspiration & encourage others to do the videos.

High 5,


2 Minute Exercise Challenge Video - side kicks and jumps with arm flicks

2 minute exercise challenge:

- 1 minute of fast side kicks (30 seconds each leg)

Followed by

- 1 minute of jumping on the spot whilst flicking our arms up & down at the same time.

Give it a go. Great whole body and cardio workout. Only takes 2 minutes, does not need much room and no equipment.

Please keep liking & sharing to help spread the exercise inspiration & encourage others to do the videos.

High 5,

Matt Swaz Fitness :-)

2 Minute Exercise Challenge Video - running heel taps and lunges with flyes

2 minute exercise challenge:

- 1 minute of running on the spot and flicking our heels up and touching our hands.

Followed by

- 1 minute of lunging forward with alternative legs and flying our arms forward and out.

Give it a go. Great whole body and cardio workout. Only takes 2 minutes, does not need much room and no equipment.

Please keep liking & sharing to help spread the exercise inspiration & encourage others to do the videos.

High 5,

Matt Swaz Fitness :-)


"I would recommend Matt’s services to anyone seeking a personal trainer. A friendly and quality service is provided which is proven to get positive results."
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