
Calories Burned Per Hour Based on Intensity

Informative, detailed and thought-provoking infographic from which compares the calories burned across 3 levels of intensity (slow, moderate, intense) for 6 different exercise activities:

- Running

- Cycling

- Swimming

- Aerobics

- Yoga

- Walking

The infographic shows that for all 3 levels of exercise intensity that running burns the most calories followed by cycling and swimming.

The Best Yoga Mat

I was pleased when Lexi Watkins from contacted me to see whether I would be interested in sharing the extensive and detailed research they had done on Yoga Mats, with the aim of finding which is the 'best' one. has conducted over 50 hours of extensive research on dozens of Yoga mats, consulted with over 100 yoga professionals and read 50 industry publications as part of the research.

"I am now much fitter and stronger and my body shape has changed signifiacntly for the better. I am far more toned and even the bingo wings have disappeared and have been replaced with nicely toned arms. "
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