Build exercise into your commute to and/or from work. Run, Cycle, Walk all or some of the journey. Get off the bus a stop early, park further from work, keep change of fresh clothes at work etc. Great for body and mind and saves money too.
Weekly Exercise Plan 07/07/2014
What are your exercise plans and goals this coming week? What do you want to achieve this week with your exercise and workouts? Have you planned your training days and prepared your meals?
Another week of opportunity is here. Opportunity to achieve a Personal Best, to try a new sport, to give a new exercise a go etc. Grasp it and seize every opportunity. Don't stand still. Look to continually improve and raise your fitness targets.
Start the week off in active style and enjoy. Set the standard. Train with a smile and be excited and look forward to your workouts. Be proactive and aim to plan your other weekly commitments e.g. work, shopping etc around your training, rather than being reactive and trying to plan your training around your weekly commitments.
Take some time to plan your health and fitness goals and targets for the week. Write them down, make the commitment to achieve them and constantly review them. Knowing what you want to achieve is the first step you need to take in order to achieve your health and fitness goals.
The following is an approximate outline/summary of my exercise and workout plan for the week ahead both personally and with my Personal Training clients (this could change e.g. a cancellation from a Personal Training client):
Circuits (Lunges, Press Ups, Squats, Boxing, Pull Ups) 2-3 hours
Running 50 minutes (approx)
Walking 60 minutes (approx)
Circuits (Lunges, Press Ups, Squats, Boxing, Pull Ups) 2-3 hours
Running 90 minutes
Walking 60 minutes (approx)
Running 60 minutes
Cycling 60 minutes
Circuits (Lunges, Press Ups, Squats, Boxing, Pull Ups) 3-4 hours
Walking 1 hour
Circuits (Lunges, Press Ups, Squats, Boxing, Pull ups, leg raises, shoulder presses, planks etc) 2-3 hours
Running 60 minutes approx
Walking 60 minutes
Cycling 120 minutes
Circuits (Lunges, Press Ups, Squats, Boxing, Pull ups, leg raises, shoulder presses, planks etc) 2-3 hours
Running 50 minutes
Circuits (Pull Ups, Planks, Lunges, Press Ups, Squats, etc) 2-3 hours
Running 1 hour
Walking 30 minutes
Circuits 1-2 hours
Running 1-2 hours
Fit Club
For me I have more active and intense days than others. My Personal Training clients all work at different levels of intensity and this is reflected in the training I do with them. I pride myself on getting active and training with my clients and thus setting exercise examples to others.
Live life in the active lane and exercise with an inspiring smile.
Have a great week,
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