Inspiring exercise moment - Unstable Pull Ups

For me being a Personal Trainer is the greatest 'job' in world. It does not feel like 'work'. Getting paid for something I genuinely enjoy doing - exercise and fitness is my hobby - and crucially making a difference to people's lives. It is a great feeling knowing I am helping, supporting and inspiring clients to change their lives and to live more active and healthy lifestyles.

Today – as always – was a busy and action packed day. Lots of cycling, running, power walking and circuits including press ups, lunging and squats. Living life in the active lane.

I wanted to share with you an inspiring exercise moment from training with one of my regular and inspiring clients early this morning. We were training in the rain in a local park at 7am with no one else in the park (probably still in bed). The training session centered on upper body circuits using the outdoor gym equipment (free of charge and in the great outdoors) of chest press machines, pull down machine and tricep dip bar. Whilst it was raining me and my client where doing circuits from one station to the next - getting a great upper body and CV workout.

The final challenge of the session I had for my client was to do at least 1 correct pull up on a set of high rope rings. My client after such a challenging workout looked at me as if to say "no way"!! My client has done pull ups before but not at the end of a session and not on unstable high rings. We have usually used a high stable bar not swinging rings. I went first and was pleased to do 12 pull ups - great upper body and core workout. The challenge was made extra hard due to the rings being wet - making the grip harder.

Now it was my clients turn to do the pull ups. Grabbing hold of the unstable rings, they got themselves into a comfortable position, arms fully extended and knees bent. Then with determination and desire, they pulled themselves up slowly towards the rings using every ounce of last energy - breathing out on the way up (their muscles already tired from the challenging upper body workout). I was encouraging my client up towards the top part of the pull up. Anyone who has done pull ups correctly will know that at some point you reach a 'sticky' point when your body feels like it cannot move anymore and go any further.

My client had now reached that point almost at the top of the pull up (they had come so far and could not give up now). I was cheering my client "come on last little bit", "be an inspiration". My client's arms were now straining from the effort and endeavor to correctly complete the pull. Finally, with one last show of strength, determination and effort my clients tired arms successfully pulled themselves up to the finish position of the pull up on the unstable rings.

They had made it. Succeeded. Accomplished their final challenge of the session in the rain. I was proud and inspired. My client was relieved, exhausted but most importantly proud and satisfied at their efforts. They lowered themselves back to the floor. Just shows that we can achieve by being focused, in the zone and challenging ourselves. Well done. We celebrated with big 'High 10s' and stretched off with a sense of achievement.

It’s always great to hear peoples inspiring exercise achievements and workouts. Please share and spread the get active inspiration.

Live life in the active lane,


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"Matt's enthusiasm, knowledge and commitment has helped me to get to where I am today. He keeps in regular touch during the week and is always there to answer any questions or to give you that extra motivational push on days when you might need it. "