Build exercise into your commute to and/or from work. Run, Cycle, Walk all or some of the journey. Get off the bus a stop early, park further from work, keep change of fresh clothes at work etc. Great for body and mind and saves money too.

eReplacement Parts have produced a definitive guide via an infographic on everything we need to know about eggs. This includes which eggs are best for baking, egg sizes and the nutritional content of eggs.
Thank you to Katelyn Green for providing the text below and infographicson the left. Please click on the 4 infographic images to enlarge them and see a wide variety of information and concise detail on all things eggs.
High 5,
Everything you need to know about eggs
Eggs are a nutrien and protein-rich powerhouse of a food, and also a key ingredient in many baking recipes. Because they are a necessity in so many categories, it’s important to know the basics of egg composition.
Starting with size. Check out our egg-sizing guide to find out which type of egg is best for baking. It also comes in handy if you are on a strict diet regimen, and are unsure which size egg you should look for.
We also break down the egg grading system to let you know which aspects are taken into account, and which eggs to avoid. And when it comes to color, you might be surprised to learn that there are more than just white and brown eggs.
Find out where pink, blue, cream, and speckled eggs come from!
We aren’t limiting ourselves to talking about hen eggs! If you’ve ever been curious about more obscure eggs like quail or duck, read our guide which comes complete with boiling times and the difference in taste that you will experience with more exotic eggs.
You may even want to try an ostrich egg after reading this!
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