Pick your Hard

Th following is a blog from a friend of mine - Rachel Jillot - who wanted to share her thoughts and experiences on her health and fitness journey.

Thanks Rach. Keep up the  great work.

High 5,

Matt :-)


Battling with weight, health and fitness is something that I have struggled with and I am sure will continue to struggle with throughout my life. I am the only person who is in control of changing my attitude towards food, eating and exercise and over the past few months in particular, I feel that I am on the right path to combatting my struggle! This is partly down to my own change in mind-set but also finding some amazing, natural products to help me. I want to share my story…my journey, hopefully encourage, and motivate people in the way that I have. 

So, a little bit about me…

I’m Rachel. An Assistant Head Teacher, a fiancé, a step mum, a football fanatic and most definitely a food lover! I’m 32 and lead a busy lifestyle in which exercise and clean eating haven’t always held themselves at the top of my priority list. I love my food and in return have struggled with finding an eating plan in which fulfils everything that I’m after; enjoyment, organic, healthy…the list goes on. I also have underactive thyroid and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) which in return just add to the battle to lose weight and maintain a healthy BMI. 

Last July I got engaged!! Exciting times ahead and I get married in July 2018. This date is my goal. I need a goal in order to stay focussed. I’m not one for lots of attention and all eyes on me however, this day is going to be just that. I’ve come to the conclusion that if everybody is staring at me and saying how fabulous I look then I certainly aim on feeling like this myself. I decided to start my weight loss and well-being journey in March this year. My mind-set had been altering for several months before this but for some reason the time was now; it felt right. I was determined…I could just do with a helping hand to stay on track!

This helping hand came from a fantastic group of people who introduced me to an organic, natural drink that could simply be added to my lifestyle. No meal replacements, no fad diets and most importantly for me…not skipping meals! After a week of drinking Valentus Slimroast Coffee I felt different. It wasn’t a struggle to get of bed on a morning, I wasn’t reaching for the cupboard to get anything to snack on and I was losing weight and inches; size 14 waist to size 12 waist in 5 weeks! I felt ready to pursue my exercise again and committed myself to completing two runs each week and believe it or not I’m really enjoying it! When it was first recommended to me, I’ll admit I was sceptical. How could one drink of coffee benefit me? I hadn’t taken the time to fully research the ingredients but when I did I realised why I was feeling so great. The natural ingredients have increased my body’s ability to speed up my fat burning skills whilst also suppressing my appetite; this has been the biggest impact for me. Having the health conditions I have, I constantly feel that I need to work doubly if not trebly as hard to lose weight than most people do so finding something that really helps me has given me the boost and the motivation that I need. 

Now that I have made improvements and started my health and well-being journey, I want to share with others. I want to inspire and motivate others to see that although you may be overcoming health issues or mind-set issues, your goals are achievable. We all need a helping hand sometimes as life is hard. But I’ve now picked me hard. What’s yours?

The company Valentus has 7 fabulous products, each with its own ingredients that are scientifically proved to aid weight loss and well-being. To read more about these products and information about how each ingredient will benefit you then please leave me a comment or feel free to visit my website http://www.MyValentus.com/rjillott

Thank you for allowing me to share my journey.



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"So what happened with regards to my goal since training with Matt? Well I am now much fitter and I have dropped a dress size. Result."