Kettlebell Workouts for Men Series - Part 3

Kettlebell training has gained massive popularity in recent years and for good reason. The kettlebell is an extremely versatile piece of training equipment, and can be used to reduce body fat and build muscle mass. Amanda Perkins who works with Kettlebell Kings as a senior writer has written and developed a fantastic and informative series focused on different kettlebell workouts. This includes teaching points on how to perform each exercise successfully and safely and links to helpful video examples.

This is the third work out of ten in our Kettlebell Workouts for Men series and targets all the large muscle groups with compound movements. The workout combines volume and intensity to increase lean muscle mass, improve muscular endurance, and trim excess body fat. The swing, squat, press, and pull movements target the areas of the body many men are looking to improve: legs, shoulders, chest, and abdominals.

The workout is performed as a circuit to keep you moving and maximize the conditioning challenge for increased endurance and post-exercise caloric burn.  

Workout Instructions

This workout requires two kettlebells of equal weight. We recommend men start with a 10-12 kg (22-26 lbs.) kettlebell. Perform 10 reps of each exercise in a circuit. Complete 4-5 full circuits, resting as needed.


Primary Muscles: glutes, hamstrings, erectors, lats

• Stand upright with your feet about hip-width apart and a kettlebell on the floor about two feet in front of your feet.

• Hinge at the hips to grab onto the handle with both hands while maintaining a neutral spine. Set the shoulders down and away from the ears to engage the lats and upper back.

• Swing the kettlebell back between your legs, then powerfully extend your hips by driving the floor away and contracting your glutes and abs.

• As the kettlebell passes the belly button, direct it into the rack position and insert your hand through the bell handle so the handle lies diagonal across your palm. The elbow should be tucked into the body.

• Let the kettlebell follow the same path back down into the backswing, giving the kettlebells a slight head start before following with the shoulders and torso.

• Powerfully extend hips again and bring the kettlebell back to the rack position.

• Repeat for the desired amount of reps.


Alternating Swing

Primary Muscles: hips, glutes, hamstrings, lats, deltoids, abs, spinal erectors

• Stand upright with your feet about hip-width apart and a kettlebell on the floor about two feet in front of your feet.

• Hinge at the hips to grab onto the handle with both hands while maintaining a neutral spine. Set the shoulders down and away from the ears to engage the lats and upper back.

• Swing the kettlebell back between your legs, then powerfully extend your hips by driving the floor away and contracting your glutes and abs.

• Let the kettlebell float to shoulder height, then switch hands and guide the kettlebell back down along the same path, only flexing at the hips once the arms hit your waist.

• Switch hands at the top of every repetition.


Seesaw Press

Primary Muscles: deltoids, lats, traps, triceps

• Stand upright holding a kettlebell in each hand in the rack position. The kettlebells should rest against the forearms and biceps, and the elbows are tucked into the body. Hands are fully inserted through the kettlebell handles; wrists are straight.

• Press the kettlebell in your right hand up overhead, extending your arm fully and stacking the weight of the kettlebell over the elbow and shoulder joints.

• Lower the kettlebell back to rack position and simultaneously press the kettlebell in your left hand up overhead.

• Repeat, alternating sides.

• Both kettlebells should be moving at the same time, but in opposite directions.

Alternating Reverse Lunge

Primary Muscles: glutes, hamstrings, quads

 • Stand upright holding a kettlebell in each hand with your arms at your sides.

• Step back on your right foot, dropping your right knee down to almost touch the floor while maintaining a neutral spine.

• Push through the left heel to return back to the upright position.

• Step back on your left foot, dropping your left knee down to almost touch the floor while maintaining a neutral spine.

• Push through the right heel to return back to the upright position.

• Repeat, alternating sides each rep.


Primary Muscles: pectorals, deltoids, triceps, abs

 • Place your hands on the handles of two kettlebell on the floor and step your feet back to come into the top of a push-up position. The kettlebells should be directly below your shoulders.

• Lower down in between the kettlebells, bending at the elbows and keeping them close to the sides of your body.

• Push straight back up to the top position, extending your elbows and maintaining a neutral spine and engaged core throughout.

• The push up can be modified by placing your knees on the floor.



Primary Muscles: quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings

• Clean a pair of kettlebells into the rack position. The kettlebells should rest against the forearms and biceps, and the elbows are tucked into the body. Hands are fully inserted through the kettlebell handles; wrists are straight.

• Keep your spine neutral and your core braced as you lower yourself into a squatting position. The elbows should come off the body to counterbalance the hips going back. Squat to a depth where the thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below parallel.

• Return to the starting position by pushing the floor and contracting the glutes to fully extend the hips.



Primary Muscles: lats, pecs, deltoids, rhomboids, triceps

• Lie on your back on the floor. Hold a kettlebell by the horns straight up over your chest with your arms straight. The weight of the kettlebell should be facing away from the body.

• Lower the kettlebell towards the floor behind your head with control. Keep the lower back flat on the floor.

• Gently tap the floor (or go to your end range of motion), then raise the kettlebell back up over your chest, keeping your arms straight throughout the movement.


Sit Up

Primary Muscles: abdominals, obliques, hip flexors

 • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat, holding the ball of the kettlebell in both hands at your chest.

• Lift your upper body off the floor and sit up, keeping the kettlebell at your chest, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor.

• Slowly lower your upper body back down to the floor, controlling the speed.

• Repeat.


Perform this workout up to three times per week for optimal results. Incorporating kettlebells into your daily workouts will not only help you build strength and endurance but can also aid in weight loss. Keep checking our blog for the fourth installment of our 10-part Kettlebell Workouts for Men series.

About Kettlebell Kings

Kettlebell Kings is a premium-quality kettlebell and kettlebell content provider, based in Austin, Texas. You can view our equipment, kettlebell how-to’s, and get expert advice at and

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"Matt is a true gentleman in his manner, a professional in his work and has an outstanding knowledge of fitness which he applies with great enthusiasm and empathy."