Embrace the Holiday Period

Lots of people say to me that over the Christmas and New Year period they are concerned about "putting weight on" or "losing their fitness" due to the excesses of the period e.g. over eating and lack of exercise. I understand where people are coming from because it is a time when there are lots of temptations, for instance, family parties and left over food/drink to consume.

However, the Christmas and New Year period does not have to be a period "putting on weight" or "losing fitness". In fact you should see it as an opportunity to actually improve your strength and fitness and help your physique in the long term. The following are a couple of pointers:

Firstly, as you are likely to be spending time with your family and friends, why not do something fitness orientated, for instance going for a walk or a bike ride, playing on the Wii computer game or in the garden or simply just run up and down the stairs a few times to get your heart rate up. Think outside of the box. By getting the whole family involved it will be fun and rewarding. See my article Become More Active.

Secondly, you could view the week or so between Christmas and New Year as a rest/recovery period in which you have a week off from the gym or your usual activity (for instance running, football) to let your muscles and CV system get stronger and fitter. You could use some of the above ideas in point 1 (e.g. family walk) to still stay active. Rest and recovery is a crucial part of a structured, progressive health and fitness programme and therefore the Christmas/New Year period is a perfect opportunity.

Thirdly, do not get too stressed out on what you may have (or may not have) consumed during the holiday period in terms of alcohol and food. It is a time to celebrate with family and friends - and you will have worked hard all year (training, career, family etc) so treat yourself. However, just use moderation and a bit of common sense and you will be fine. For instance, swap a glass of alcohol for a glass of water, swap salted peanuts for almonds and walnuts, swap full fat cream with low fat Greek Yogurt, swap a handful of chocolates with a handful of grapes etc.

Christmas and New Year is a time of celebration and by following the above ideas it does not have to sabotage your progress and knock you off your journey to achieving your goals.

Keep up the great work,



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