Build exercise into your commute to and/or from work. Run, Cycle, Walk all or some of the journey. Get off the bus a stop early, park further from work, keep change of fresh clothes at work etc. Great for body and mind and saves money too.
Box your way to fitness

This image shows me doing some boxercise training. Boxing provides a fantastic whole body workout. It will work your arms, shoulders and chest and your core muscles (at the front, side and back) and is great for toning and helping to define them. Crucially, which many people do not realise, Boxing will give your legs a great workout especially when you move around and use your legs to transfer force to your upper body. Boxing is excellent for fat/weight loss, burns lots of calories and gives you a fantastic Cardiovascular workout for your heart and lungs. Incorporating boxing into your training will help to improve your balance, speed and co-ordination and is also excellent for relieving any stress you may have.
Boxing can be easily used as part of a circuit and you do not need to spend too much to get a good pair of pads and gloves/mits. As a starter, get someone to hold the pads and aim to do 60-90 seconds of boxing (upper cuts, hooks jabs etc) and then rest for 30 seconds and then repeat twice. The image is only for illustrative purposes and obviously does not show the full sequence of the move. So please do not hesitate to get in touch should you require any help and advice.
Keep up the great work,
Personal Training Blog & Resources
On: 1 Nov 2016 - 16:05
On: 17 Jan 2021 - 05:53
On: 15 Jan 2020 - 16:09
On: 15 Jan 2020 - 15:42
On: 19 Jul 2019 - 19:20
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