Build exercise into your commute to and/or from work. Run, Cycle, Walk all or some of the journey. Get off the bus a stop early, park further from work, keep change of fresh clothes at work etc. Great for body and mind and saves money too.
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Home :: Personal Trainer Blog :: 5 Resistance Band Exercises That Burn Fat and Build Muscle5 Resistance Band Exercises That Burn Fat and Build Muscle

Positive Health Wellness have produced a definitive guide via an infographic with images of 5 exercises that we can do using a resistance band that can help us to build muscle and burn calories. This infographic was written by Karen Reed. The 5 exercises are:
- Standing Oblique Crunch
- Standing Pec Fly
- Squat and Twist
- Standing Running Man
- Abduction and Adduction
Thank you to Kelly Palmer for providing this article and infographics.
Please click on the infographic image to enlarge it and see 5 exercises with images that we can do using a resistance band.
From experience of training with my PT clients and personally too, resistance bands are a great piece of exercise equipment. They are functional and portable so can be used anywhere and they provide a challenging and varied whole-body Workout.
High 5,
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