
Qualities needed to Achieve our Goals

From my experience training and working with clients, I have observed and analysed what I feel are the personal characteristics that will go some way to helping you achieve your goals. These ‘characteristics’ are not a list of what you should possess, but are merely the traits that my most successful clients (and by this I mean those that have achieved their individual goals) have. They are the attributes that I have seen displayed consistently and on a regular basis by my clients.

2012 Review

What have you achieved in 2012? Have you achieved what you wanted to achieve? Could you have done more? What went well? What did not go well etc?

Take some time to review the past 12 months and to analyse how you have got on with achieving your health and fitness goals. This is a great way to actually see if you achieved what you set out to achieve. When I speak to people about their goals and aims, they are quick to say what they wanted to achieve but when I ask them have they reviewed their success, the answer is often “no”.

"Matt is a true gentleman in his manner, a professional in his work and has an outstanding knowledge of fitness which he applies with great enthusiasm and empathy."
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