Give it a Go - Star Jumps

Star Jumps are a great whole body exercise, which challenge your Cardiovascular System and work your upper body, core muscles and lower body muscles. Whilst your leg muscles are work by jumping up and down, your arms, chest, shoulders and abdominals are getting a fantastic workout too from reaching up and down. Being able to do Star Jumps correctly is a great test of your strength, cardiovascular fitness and is something many people struggle with.

Star Jumps are a brilliant plyometric and compound exercise because they utilise a wide range of upper, mid and lower body muscles and joints simultaneously. They will help to develop your speed, power and agility.

Star Jumps will challenge your cardiovascular system, will help you to burn calories and are a vigorous exercise. Are you up for a challenge?

Star Jumps don't require any equipment, don't need much room and they can be performed anywhere and varied in so many ways. If you’re short of time to exercise, Star Jumps will take care of that and work you - if done correctly. Star Jumps utilise elements of the Squat and Squat Jump. If you suffer from knee, hip, ankle or lower back problems it is best to avoid the Star Jump - initially anyway.

Poor technique is common when people do Star Jumps, don't rush the exercise at the expense of form - you won't get the full benefit of the exercise. The following are a few tips on how to perform Jumps safely and correctly:

  • Begin by standing with feet approximately shoulder width apart, chest and head lifted and abdominals contracted. Let your arms hang naturally in front of your body.
  • With control squat down (see 'Give it a Go - Squat') by bending your knees and lower your body towards the floor.
  • Then powerfully jump/explode up into the air and open/extend your legs and arms so that you form a star shape and then bring your arms and legs back together before you land on the floor again on both feet in the start position. That is 1 repetition.
  • Using a smooth motion, breathe in on the way down and out on the way up.
  • Avoid bouncing off the floor, letting your heels rise off the floor and your knees pushing out in front of your toes. Be careful to wear appropriate footwear and to use if possible a soft surface so that the landing action does not put too much stress on the ankles, knees, hips and lower back.

As a starter, aim to complete 30 seconds and see if you can do this 2-3 times. If you can't don't worry. Build up to it. You are best doing 8 correct Jumping Jacks with safe and proper technique to work the targeted muscles rather than 15 incorrect ones.

Please remember to warm up thoroughly before exercising and to speak to your GP before starting any exercise programme. Should you require any help, advice or information please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be delighted to discuss with you the tried and tested methods and lifestyle changes that I have developed to help people achieve their health and fitness goals.

Keep up the great work,

Live life actively,


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