Tricep Dips

Give it a Go - Tricep Dip with Leg Raised

Tricep Dips are a great exercise, which work your Tricep, Chest, Deltoids and Abdominals. Being able to do Tricep Dips correctly is a great test of your strength and is something many people struggle with.

Give it a Go - Tricep Dips

Tricep Dips are a great exercise, which work your Tricep, Chest, Deltoids and Abdominals. Being able to do Tricep Dips correctly is a great test of your strength and is something many people struggle with.

Tricep Dips don't require any equipment (you can use a bench, a chair, a step, railings etc), don't need much room and they can be performed anywhere and varied in so many ways.

Please see my Matt Swaz Fitness Video on how to perform the Tricep Dips.

"I am now much fitter and stronger and my body shape has changed signifiacntly for the better. I am far more toned and even the bingo wings have disappeared and have been replaced with nicely toned arms. "
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