5 Top classes & machines in the gym at DW Sports

DW Sports asked if Matt Swaz Fitness would do a blog on the Top 5 classes and machines in the gym at DW Sports. It makes for an informative and beneficial read. Thank you to Gemma Jones from DW Sports for providing the following:


5 Top classes & machines in the gym at DW Sports

It goes without saying that every piece of equipment in the gym will benefit your body in some way. Yet, with so many different options to choose from, we have become spoilt for choice and designing a gym routine that works your whole body may seem more than a little daunting. How do we narrow our choices down?

It would be ludicrous to expect someone to fit all 50 gym machines into their daily routine, even condensing them into different muscle groups would mean spending a lifetime in the gym. Wouldn’t it be easier if someone compiled a list of the best machines that work your entire body? Don’t fear, as we’ve picked top 5 pieces of equipment and classes to ensure you make the most of your time in the gym.

Elliptical trainer
Our first choice is an oldie, but a goodie nevertheless. The elliptical trainer is not a modern piece of kit, but its popularity has stayed due to its fantastic full body benefits. Working your legs, arms and core simultaneously, you can create a seriously intense cardio workout while controlling the intensity using the level of weight applied. Want to make it even more challenging? Try it backwards to maximise your glutes.

Spinning classes are indoor cycling programmes completed on stationary bikes. Throughout the class the instructor simulates an intense bike ride by taking you over a course of flat land, hill climbs, and high resistance races. Spinning classes work wonders for your lower body and the high intensity cardio means you’ll blitz any fat with an average spinning class said to burn 400-600 calories a session. However, as the controls can be changed by the rider as opposed to the instructor, it is up to them to keep up the intensity instead of slacking. Although the group atmosphere usually encourages people to get competitive and work harder.

Want to have fun while lifting weights? Bodypump is a class combining resistance training with cardio moves to create a rapid fat burning workout. Strength moves are performed with barbell weights, working each muscle in turn, including the chest, back, shoulders, arms and legs. All of this is set to fast-paced music and spurred on by a professional instructor to keep you motivated!

Stepmill from Stairmaster
This is the piece of equipment to go for if you want to get that coveted behind. Essentially a fast-paced escalator with moving steps, it uses cardio work to tone your legs while also strengthening your glutes. It works your glutes harder than the Stepper or the Elliptical trainer as you have to actually raise your legs with each moving step. Additionally, because you are climbing up the steps, you have to fight against gravity which creates greater resistance.

Circuit training
Circuit training is a combination of dynamic strength moves with rapid bursts of cardio activity. Arguably one of the quickest ways to tone up and lose weight, in one session you can eliminate fat, build muscle and improve your cardiovascular system. It’s tough going but is definitely worthwhile. Expect to combine strength moves such as push-ups, burpees and sit-ups with cardio moves like skipping.

Fancy any of these classes? Try them for yourselves with a DW Fitness free pass:http://www.dwfitnessclubs.com/guest-pass


Hope you enjoyed this read and fund it informative. Keep up the great work with your exercise and train withn a smile.

High 5,


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