
#1Minutehallenge for June - Plank to Press Up

Who is up for a challenge? Who is ready to test themselves?

For June, the #1MinuteChallenge is Plank to Press Ups. Please see my 'Give it a Go - Plank to Press Up' exercise series.

The plank to Press Up provides a great core workout, challenges your Cardiovascular System and works your upper body.

Give it a Go - Plank to Press Up

Planks are a great exercise for working & challenging your core muscles (deep trunk muscles at the front, side and back and including the hips), which are essential for supporting the spine, ensuring good posture, and almost every movement we do on a daily basis. By strengthening your core muscles you will improve the effectiveness of any exercise you do and/or sport you play, your ability to function better on a day-to-day basis and help to prevent injury especially to the lower back. This blog will look at doing the plank with with a push up.

Give it a Go - Side Plank

Planks are a great exercise for working & challenging your core muscles (deep trunk muscles at the front, side and back and including the hips), which are essential for supporting the spine, ensuring good posture, and almost every movement we do on a daily basis. By strengthening your core muscles you will improve the effectiveness of any exercise you do and/or sport you play, your ability to function better on a day-to-day basis and help to prevent injury especially to the lower back. This blog will look at doing the plank on the side.

Give it a Go - Plank with leg raised

Planks are a great exercise for working & challenging your core muscles (deep trunk muscles at the front, side and back and including the hips), which are essential for supporting the spine, ensuring good posture, and almost every movement we do on a daily basis. By strengthening your core muscles you will improve the effectiveness of any exercise you do and/or sport you play, your ability to function better on a day-to-day basis and help to prevent injury especially to the lower back. This blog will look at doing the plank with 1 leg raised in the air.

Give it a Go - Plank

Planks are a great exercise for working & challenging your core muscles (deep trunk muscles at the front, side and back and including the hips), which are essential for supporting the spine, ensuring good posture, and almost every movement on a daily basis. By strengthening your core muscles you will improve the effectiveness of any exercise you do and/or sport you play, your ability to function better on a day-to-day basis and help to prevent injury especially to the lower back.

"Matt tailors every session to my needs, and believe me, you feel worked at the end of it, but it’s fun at the same time, with great banter and teamwork, it just flies past every time."
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