Laurence Shahlaei Professional Strongman Interview

The following is an interview with world class strongman Laurence Shahlaei, who is a regular entrant at the World’s Strongest Man competition. Laurence who is British is renowned for his incredible leg strength especially during a squatting event.

His career highlights include finishing 4th at the 2011 World’s Strongest Man and breaking the strongman deadlift world record.


  1. What has been the best piece of advice you have received?

To do things my way. When I was younger and starting in my strongman training Mariusz Pudzianowski was the man to beat, I read that he trained 11 times a week and did such and such and so I wanted to copy and replicate him. A good friend and personal trainer Nick McKinless sat me down and told me you need to find your own way and after a while between us we found what works for me. As my training has developed I have now adopted a very personal way of training which works for me.


  1. How important is nutrition to your success and performance?

When I started I didn't even think about it but the better I get the more important nutrition has become. Last year I started working with Phil Learny one of the UK's top strength conditioning and nutrition experts. At the top level you need to do everything you can. Getting your nutrition right help with recovery and gives you the fuel to train hard.


  1. Please could you outline your nutrition during a normal training day and then on a competition day?

6 meals per day, each meal will have a portion of Protein, Carbs, Fats and fruit or veg. we cut out dairy and bread from my

On contest day I find it hard to eat so I try and get some good carbs in me in the morning then just snack on carbs or sugar


  1. Please could you outline what a normal day of training involves?

Training changes throughout the year but a normal session would look like this:

Squats working up to a heavy triple then a drop set of 10-12

Deadlifts from floor or 18inch heavy triple then speed work from the floor for 8 sets of 2-3 reps

Hip thrusts with weight 4 sets of 8-12 reps



  1. What advice would you give to anybody wanting to get fit and improve their health?

Find an activity that you enjoy, some people may not like the gym but there are many other activities that you can do to stay healthy.


  1. From your experience, for instance pre-season training, have you got any tips on how to stay motivated when the training gets tough and challenging?

Have something to aim for - Goals, Contests, holiday. For me I love competition, if I don’t have a contest to focus on my training suffers as I don’t plan anything and end up just messing around. A contest keeps me focused and motivated as I hate to lose and I always imagine what my opposition are doing.


  1. What has been the highlight of your career?

4th place at WSM 2011, breaking the strongman deadlift WR in London Giant Live 2011 and being undefeated at the squat event 4 years in a row at WSM.


I would like to say a big thank you to Laurence for taking the time and effort to answer these questions and provide an insight into his professional lifestyle, it is much appreciated. I am sure it will provide a useful insight into the life of a professional athlete and help you to pick up some advice and tips that you can use to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

Thank you for your time and feedback. It is really appreciated.

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Matt Swierzynski


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