Tips to ease Motion Sickness

Thank you to Jimmy Izewski from Straight North who has shared an informative and useful infographic that one of their clients has created on dealing with motion sickness when traveling. Please carry on reading and see the info graphic below.

High 5,


Whoever said that “getting there is half the fun” obviously never had to deal with motion sickness. For those who suffer from motion sickness — whether it’s car sickness, air sickness, seasickness or all three — it can ruin an otherwise pleasurable trip and cause a lot of anxiety long before they even take their seats.

Traveling can wreak havoc on our brains’ ability to get its bearings in relation to our surroundings, which can lead to a host of unpleasant symptoms. Although nausea and vomiting are the most common symptoms associated with motion sickness, it also can cause people to feel dizzy, sweaty and just overall uncomfortable. No matter what form it takes, motion sickness prevents getting there from being any fun at all.

Although motion sickness can put a damper on your trip, there are some things you can do to help prevent and ease it. There are medications that can relieve your symptoms, but there also are many natural techniques that may make your motion sickness less of a burden or eliminate it entirely. For those who want to learn more, the accompanying resource contains a number of tips to help you deal with motion sickness.

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